Monday, July 27, 2009

Welcome Home!

My sister Kylee has been in Australia studying abroad since February. She finally is back in Holland after finsihing up her classes, staying around for some extended time of traveling around Australlia, making a stop in California to see some friends, and is now finally home! We were excited for her to come home and finally meet Lily! She had seen her on Skype...but it's not the same :)
She stopped by here this morning...Macie couldn't get enough seemed that she had saved up 5 months worth of kisses (licks) for Ky haha, and Lily loved snuggling up with her! We can't wait to hear all the fun stories and adventures from her time away. We are so happy you are home Ky!

Here are also a few pictures of my two girls playing together :) Lily loves Macie and Macie loves Lily. Macie loves to lay by her, give her lots of kisses, and doesn't seem to mind when Lily gets ahold of her ears :) They are going to be best of friends! :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Totally Kissable!

We had Christy Pacanowski take some photos of Jake's family and i wanted to have a few of my sweet little Lily...this is my favorite by far. could you not just want to snuggle and kiss this little love.
One of the little girls (ok so she isn't so little anymore) i babysit for said, "Lily is a little buddle of sweet baby love." I couldn't agree more!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

3 Months already....

I can't believe my baby is already 3 months old! We have been having so much fun with her and she is now able to do so many new fun things! She is a very happy baby and loves to smile, coo, and play with us. This weekend at the cottage my mom taught her how to do the "motor-boat" with her is seriously the funniest thing ever! Lily tries so hard to copy all the things we do with our mouths...she is a very funny baby. Today we were playing on the floor and i couldn't resist snapping a few pictures of my precious love...enjoy!!