Life is just passing us by over here at the Wiersema house! I can't believe it is almost March, and that my baby girl is almost 1! Lily continues to be a happy and content baby, she LOVES to play, read, and explore. She is happy to play alone, and can entertain herself (i think this is very important and i'm so glad she enjoys this!) She is a jabber box and can say: mama, dada, doggie, cat, hot, baba (bottle), and she can bark like a dog, moo like a cow, and quack like a duck :) She LOVES to climb the stairs, crawl under the table and between the chairs (although she often gets stuck), she LOVES the water and loves to take baths, and most of all she is starting to eat real food! As some of you know, this is a huge accomplishment for little miss lily. She has always had such a bad gag reflex, and any texture or thickness to food would cause her to gag and throw up. She still eats mostly baby food (because she only has 4 teeth), but she also enjoys: blueberrys, potatoe chips, yogert, veggie straws, mac n' cheese, pizza, and bagels. Of course she eats most of those with the smallest of bits....but she is still eatting them :) Here are some picture from the last litle bit!