Friday, May 7, 2010

Tulip Time 2010

This Tulip Time has been a bit more "busy" than it was last year.

Last year, lily sat so nicely and would sleep through the parades...

This year, she is a walkin', movin' girl who does NOT want to sit!

We went to the Wednesday parade with friend, and then on Thursday we sat with my family. I am skipping the Saturday parade, because the weather is going to be yucky, but also because it is more work than fun to take her to the parades this year. She gets mad that i won't let her walk down with road with the "parade people". So, hopefully next year the parades will capture her attention a bit more :) On Wednesday night we went out for dinner with Brad, Jill, and cousin Ella. After dinner we headed down to the park to take some pictures. Neither Ella or Lily wanted to sit still, so the pictures are VERY limited of them, but oh well :)

Can you tell that she doesn't like to "sit"...she was less than pleased that i grabbed her to try to take a picture :)

Because i love to "look back": here is Lily this year

And here she was last year :) oh how time flies!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lily's 1 year pictures

Last week i hosted a Picture Party with Christy Pacanowski. My job was to find people to come! I assigned people a 15 minutes photo shoot with her, made sure they knew all the info, helped Christy on the day of, and from here i will collect their money, and deliver their pictuers when they are ready. We had to cancle our first assigned day because of the weather, but to be honest i think the day we ended up having out pictures on was PERFECT! I know i had a great time, the pictures are WONDERFUL as always, and i give many many many thanks to Christy :)
Here are a few to peak at. If you want to see the rest of our families you can go to her website..... and the password is wiersema.