Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tuesink's Farm

I have been wanting to go to Tuesink's Farm for the past few weeks, and tonight we finally had a free night to go and venture out there. I knew Lily would love it, as she is very into farm animals right now...and here are some pictures to prove it.
Don't mind her face in some of these pictures, she fell today while playing inside and got a good scratch down the left side of her face...oppsy!

Daddy teaching her how to feed the sheep and goats...a little unsure at first, but that didn't last too long!

This girl loves her ducks...

Trying out the ponies...not so sure about them.

Taking a hayride with bunnies. You kept trying to pick them up all by yourself :) They were so cute...i loved them!

A few more pictures with the goats/sheep...your favorite part of the whole night!

We had a great night!

Monday, August 16, 2010

corn on the cob...

Although Lily only has two of her bottom middle teeth and 4 on the top in the middle she can still master the corn on the cob. She loves to eat it...she think's it's the greatest thing ever!

she is saying "cheese" hehehe :)

isn't she the cutest thing ever?! :)