Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Grandma: I remember...

Here are just a select few of my favoirte memories of my Grandma Koning:
- Sitting with you on the piano bench while you played and sang out of that old piano book. I always loved the song with the picture of the bird on the page.
- I too, like Brad, remember drinking coffee out of the tiny coffee cups! This is something that I will always remember. I don't think i really even liked the taste, but i thought it was so cool to be drinking from those little cups.
- Making cookies with you when we slept over.
- Your kissess... you always made a kissing sound while kissing us.
- Playing "SORRY" against you and grandpa.
- Putting on your make up...i can still smell the powder smell in your bathroom.
- Going school clothes shopping each year...we could always pick out 1 new outfit.
- Playing miniture golf at Yogi Bear with you and grandpa.
- Kim and i playing dress up in your clothes, and then walking around your neighborhood with baby dolls prentending we were moms.
- I too, remember watching Psalty...those were my faovite movies and tapes to listen to.

Thanks for the ALL the great memories...we will miss you!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


As many of you know...we didn't finish out upstairs when we built our house. We figured that at the time we didn't need it, and we might as well save some money and just leave it unfinsihed. Because we chose to not finish it, we had to put a door at the top of our stairs...however we are now in need of another bedroom. Jake began working on it a couple months ago...framed in the closets and the bathroom. He then drywalled the whole thing (with a little help from some friends), and now we are having someone come in and tape/mud the drywall. I always knew that when we finished the upstairs, i wanted to take part of the wall down to open it up a little bit (get rid of the door, add a railing, etc...) The wall finally came down yesterday and i am so happy about it! I love how it looks (well, how it will look haha), and i can't wait until it is completed! We still aren't sure if the whole ordeal will be 100% complete when the baby arrives, but that's OK...he/she will be sleeping with us for a while anyways.
Here are some fun pictures of the progress.

This before we took the wall down...

This is after the wall is down. It's kinda hard to tell, but in person it looks much more open.

There isn't much to report on baby w...everything is about the same. He/she is now sitting like a "u" shape with the head up, butt down, and then the legs up on the other side. The doctor said not to worry about it...the baby has plenty of time to flip over. I however am secretly worried it won't. It all started a few months back when i was watching "A Baby Story". The lady on there was getting ready to delivery, but the baby was breach. The doctor decided he wanted to try to turn the baby...let's just say that that image has forever been engraved in my head!!! haha...i have heard of this before, but obviously, never seen it. This poor lady was screaming in pain as two doctors pushed her stomach in the weirdest way to turn the baby 90 degrees. It worked, but my gosh...i wouldn't wish that on anyone. SOOOO needless to say, when my doctor said my baby is not yet "head down"....i secretly think back to that horrible image!!! Here is a 30 week pictures.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Blog Background...

I have been wondering how some of you get those really cute backgrounds for your blogs?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

27 weeks and counting...

I have been getting some grief from some of you out there asking to see for those of you who live near or far, i am hoping these will do :)
We went to our doctors appt today and everything is continuing to go well. I had my glucose screening test today, and i passed with flying colors. Candace was telling me how horrible the orange drink was, but i honestly didn't mind it. Anyways...I am glad that i don't have gestational diabetes and i can continue to eat whatever i want :)
I, along with my doctor, was surprised to see that i had lost 2 lbs since my last appt...i actually don't mind...that means i've only gain about 12-13 lbs so least it's not too much extra fat and it is mostly baby. :)
The baby is sitting very low (old wives tale would say it's a boy)...and it is kind of laying on an angle right now. In the past few days it hasn't been uncommon for me to feel alot of pressure on my belly and then i look down and there is a huge bulge on the right side of my tummy. The baby obviously likes to stick it's butt out i guess :) It is moving constantly...does that mean it will always be such a wiggle worm?!
She said i am measuring a week ahead, so i guess either i MAY have the baby a tad early, or it's gonna be a large baby. Lets hope for the first option. After hearing about Jill having to push out a 9+lb baby i'm not sure i want to go through that as well :) Although...Ella is totally a keeper!
My belly is growing by the are a couple pictures for those of you who have been asking.