Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Heading in the right direction...

I didn't update after my doctors appt last week, because there wasn't much to report. Last week Friday i was told that the baby was low enough to "feel" but i really hadn't begun to dialate yet. Today, i went in and she told me that I was 1 centimeter dialated and 70% effaced. She said she is happy with the progress i have made in the past 5 days. She said that she could feel the baby's head and that she didn't feel any hair. (Jake was bald for quite awhile i this baby must take after him :) haha) I have been feeling some mild contractions throughout the last week, but nothing worth paying attention to :)
We went to our childbirth/parenting class on Saturday which was a LONG LONG day. For those of you who reccomended it...i do agree, it's best to just get it done with in one day as oppose to 5 weeks. However, to those of you who said we would get out early....we did not. We were there from 8am-5pm. I found the morning section on "laboring" interesting and informative, but the afternoon was a waste of my time. I didn't need to sit there and listen how to take care of my kid. I already know how to give it a bath, change it's diaper, put it in a carseat, swaddle it, etc. But oh well.
well....we are in the home strech and will hopefully be snuggling a little one in 3 weeks or so!


Kylee said...

glad everything's going well...even if the baby is bald and long :)

The Rotman's said...

Wishing you the best over the next several days. It could really be any time now. I was due on 4/11 with Kennedy and she came on the
4th so anything is possible. I'm glad things are progressing for you and pray for a nice smooth delivery.